Patching WordPress, responsive images, a couple helpful plugins
5 March, 2021 by
Patching WordPress, responsive images, a couple helpful plugins
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Ever find yourself in a situation where you need to modify WordPress core but don’t want to hack it? Toby Schrapel’s newest post covers how to use Composer patches to modify WordPress the right way (similar to how we’ve previously suggested disabling PHP 7 notices).

A couple responsive image resources I came across recently:

Helpful plugins, heard through via Nick Fox:

What else?

Shifter, a serverless WordPress hosting platform, is gaining interest. (h/t @darjanpanic on Roots Discourse)

The State of JavaScript 2016 has some good bits, including:

tl;dr ES6 is the new standard.
CoffeeScript is past its prime.
A new wave of JavaScript flavors is coming.

You can’t go wrong with React.
Vue is the new up-and-comer

SASS/SCSS is the dominant framework.

Webpack and Gulp are the shiny future.
Grunt may become a thing of the past (with all but a grunt).

Yarn, a npm replacement, is looking real good. See Replacing npm with Yarn (h/t @k33n on Roots Discourse).

Got anything new to share? Let us know!

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