Install OpenKM 6.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
5 marzo, 2021 por
Install OpenKM 6.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
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This is not a complete guide, but rather a short note on how I did it.

1. Installing OpenKM

Step #1.1: Of course I did it in LXC container:

Step #1.2: Install Java first:

Step #1.3: Install OpenKM second:

Step #1.4: Start the daemon:

Start it at boot too:

Step #1.5: Visit your fresh OpenKM installation at the following location:

Default username: okmAdmin
Defualt password: admin
And this is it!

2. Adding OCR support

Step #2.1: Install Tessaract software:

Step #2.2: Configure OpenKM to use Tessaract as ORC engine:

Step #2.3: Restart OpenKM:

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