odoo9 virtualmin ubuntu
5 marzo, 2021 por
odoo9 virtualmin ubuntu
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  1. Set up server (Ignore if Virtualmin already installed)
    1. Install OS
    2. Run OS Updates
    3. Install Virtualmin
    4. Note the version of PostgreSQL installed
  2. Create Odoo account “odoo9a.example.com”
    1. Virtualmin > Create Virtual Server
      1. Enabled Features
        1. Setup DNS Zone
        2. Create PostgreSQL database
    2. Notes on the account name
      1. odoo9a is for “odoo”, version “9”, installation “a”
        odoo9 will enable differentiation between multiple versions of odoo installed
      2. “a” suffix for your first attempt,
        then “b” for your second if something does not go right
      3. “example.com” means use “example.com”
        not yourdomain.com
        the reason will become clearer below
  3. Configure account directories for Odoo
    cd /home/odoo9a
    mkdir bin.odoo
    mkdir opt
    mkdir etc
    mkdir etc/init.d
  4. Get an Odoo installation script
    git clone https://github.com/aschenkels-ictstudio/odoo-install-scripts 

    is a good place to start

  5. Modify installation scripts
    Andre’s script is good for installing Odoo on a bare OS server
    it needs modification for installing with Virtualmin
    1. Change the value of the following variables
      1. OE_USER=odoo9a
      2. OE_HOME=”/home/$OE_USER/opt/$OE_USER”
      3. OE_HOME_EXT-“/home/$OE_USER/opt/$OE_USER/$OE_USER-server”
    2. Update references to /etc
      1. Add the following variables
      2. In the section “Configure ODOO” change all references
        from ” /etc”
        to ” $OE_DIR_ETC”
        Note both strings begin with a space
    3. Comment out the following sections of the script
      (these have already done by Virtualmin)
      1. PostgreSQL x.y Settings
      2. Creating the ODOO PostgreSQL User
      3. Create ODOO system user
  6. (optional) Create a wrapper script
     # set bash option to show commands being run
     set +x
     # run install script
    sudo bash ./odoo9-install.sh 2>&1 | tee `pwd`/odoo9-install.log 
     # done
  7. Run Odoo installation script (either optional wrapper script or main script)
  8. Create links in /etc and /etc/init.d to point to scripts in /home/odoo9/etc
    as root
    cd /etc
    ln -s /home/odoo9a/etc/init.d/odoo9a-server /etc/init.d/odoo9a-server
    ln -s /home/odoo9a/etc/odoo9a-server.conf /etc/odoo9a-server.conf
  9. Start Odoo
    as root
     service odoo9a-server start
  10. Using Virtualmin, open port 8069
    1. Webmin > Networking > Linux Firewall
    2. Add Rule
    3. Rule Comment: Odoo Port
    4. Action to Take: Accept
    5. Destination TCP or UDP Port: 8069
    6. Create
  11. Create a website in your domain to run Odoo
    1. Virtualmin > Create Virtual Server
      1. Domain Name: odoo9a.yourdomain.com
      2. Uncheck everything
      3. Check “Setup website for domain”
      4. Check “Setup SSL website too”
      5. Create Server
    2. Virtualmin > Server Configuration > Edit Proxy Website
      1. Proxying enabled? Yes
      2. Proxy to URL: http://odoo9a.example.com:8069
        NOTE: here’s where the “example.com” is actually used.
  12. Access website from an external machine’s browser

## end ##

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