Odoo XML + ORM Templates for Eclipse
5 maart, 2021 in
Odoo XML + ORM Templates for Eclipse
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Steps to apply OpenERP XML + ORM Templates for Eclipse

Template for eclipse of openERP code snippets. This snippets are build to help rapid building openERP project with great ease.

1: You may get templates from svn repository.
2: After downloading the repository, start your eclipse and go to menu “Window –> Preferences”.
3: To apply template for ORM, in Preferences window, click on “PyDev–>Editor” and go to “Templates” (PyDev–>Editor–>Templates).
    3.1: Click on ‘Import’ button and then select “templates-openerp.xml” file and press “OK”.
4: To apply template for ORM, in Preferences window, click on “XML–>XML Files–>Editor” and go to “Templates” (XML–>XML Files–>Editor–>Templates).
    4.1: Click on ‘Import’ button and then select “Openerp-eclipse-xml-template.xml” file and press “OK”.
5: Now you can use snippets in .py or .xml files.

See Videos

How to apply openERP XML+ORM Templates in eclipse

 How to use openERP XML+ORM Templates in eclipse


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