How to find a word in text files from a directory
5 марта, 2021 по
How to find a word in text files from a directory
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      Open a terminal.
      Install ack-grep by typing sudo apt-get install ack-grep
      Change to the directory you want to search under, and type

ack-grep foo

    it lists out all the matches in all files under that directory.
      If you don’t want to install additional software, you can simply use


      in the terminal. To recursively search through directories, you can use the


      option (see

man grep

      for details). The syntax you are looking for is probably:

So, for instance if I want to search for the string “asdf” in all files in all subdirectories of “/tmp/testdir/” the command looks like this:

grep -r "asdf" "/tmp/testdir/"

The quotation marks are not strictly necessary, but if your string or directory path contains whitespaces, you otherwise would have to mask them using the \ character…

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