Installation of Munin Node and Master (monitor Odoo addon)
5 марта, 2021 по
Installation of Munin Node and Master (monitor Odoo addon)
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Installing Munin

Due to Munin’s Architecture you have to install two different software packages depending on the role, that the machine will play.

You will need to install “munin-master” on the machine that will collect data from all nodes, and graph the results. When starting with Munin, it should be enough to install the Munin master on one server.

The munin master runs munin-httpd which is a basic webserver which provides the munin web interface on port 4948/tcp.

Install “munin-node” on the machines that shall be monitored by Munin.


Munin is distributed with both Debian and Ubuntu.

In order to get Munin up and running type

sudo apt-get install munin-node

on all nodes, and

sudo apt-get install munin

on the master.

Please note that this might not be the latest version of Munin. On Debian you have the option of enabling “backports”, which may give access to later versions of Munin.

RedHat / CentOS / Fedora

Current versions are available at EPEL.

In order to install Munin type

sudo yum install munin-node

on all nodes, and

sudo yum install munin

on the master.

You will have to enable the services in systemd to get them up and running.

Likely you will have to fix SELinux issues when using 3rd-Party plugins and SELinux active and set to enforcing mode on the Munin node. In case you get competent and friendly support on SELinux mailinglist.

Plugins :

Plugins Odoo :


Implementing Plugins :

Here the plugin has been configured to monitor three URLs in the same graph. Unlike normal Munin probes these URLs are external to the actual server running the plugin, but you could just as well monitor localhost URLs too.

To get the plugin up and running you first need to install Munin, if you haven’t already. For a one-server setup under Ubuntu, with master and client both running on the same machine, you do:

sudo apt-get install munin munin-node

This will start the munin-node service in the background, and also add the master-node cron jobs to /etc/cron.d/munin. To install the plugin itself you add the Python script to a folder of your choice, make it executable, and then symlink it from the Munin plugin folder, like so:

sudo cp ./http_response_time_ /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/http_response_time_
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/http_response_time_ /etc/munin/plugins/http_response_time_example

If you want to monitor more than one set of URLs, and thus have more than one graph, you can accomplish that by creating one symlink for each graph that you need. The names of the symlinks are used as section titles when configuring the plugin in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node. For the graph shown above, the configuration would look something like this:

env.url1_name django
env.url2_name rails
env.url3_name php

The plugin requires that the following environment variables are specified for each URL to be monitored:

  • urlX_url — the URL that should be monitored
  • urlX_name — Munin field name for the probe
  • urlX_label — legend description of the URL

The ‘X’ in the variable names above should be replaced with an incremental index for each URL, e.g. url1 and url2. In addition, the following environment variables are also supported:

  • graph_title — the title of the graph (default is “Response time”)
  • graph_category — the category Munin should show the graph in
  • request_timeout — the socket request timeout (same for all URLs)
  • urlX_warning — warning level for the probe (for Nagios)
  • urlX_critical — critical level for the probe (for Nagios)

Note that Munin uses its own timeout when fetching plugin data. The default value is 10 seconds, which also is the default value for the URL request timeout. Because of this it might be appropriate to increase the Munin fetch timeout so that it equals the number of URLs being monitored times the request timeout, to make sure all probes have time to run.

Once you have configured the plugin to your satisfaction you need to restart the Munin node to make it discover the new plugin:

sudo /etc/init.d/munin-node restart

Happy graphing!

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